Image RItual

Ritual has given me overly-attached stalker syndrome. Having searched for the band’s details and some input on their creative process, Google has for the very first time let me down. No need to panic though, after hearing The Fall EP these guys are bound to start receiving the attention they deserve. My first affair on the EP was with the soulful Bloodflow, this track caressed my ears while I was working on our 2014 Top R&b List and even though it would have easily made my countdown, I felt that I owed it to their talent to highlight them independently.

Bloodflow is sweat in the dancefloor, it’s dancing slowly to the minimal sound arrangement while feeling the impact of the vocals and singing at the top of your lungs “YOU are making my blood flow”, it’s slowing the way your body moves to be cradled in the arms of a strong chest behind you, it’s feeling that endless pump of energy move from you to the mass around you. Not far behind we are captured by Visions and its enchanting vocals that I simply can’t let go.. 

The Fall gives me exactly the right levels of melancholy that I need on a rainy day while smoothing dark lyrics out on a tantalizing beat, exactly what the Sex M.D. ordered but I believe the true gem on this EP, having been recently released on their page is Amnesia giving us a combination of the previous tracks before her, impacting lyrics, beautiful vocals, chilled flow that merges into a hip hop melody featuring Chester Watson .. the thing that you thought was love, won’t ever surface

What is fate something I can’t relate to
hard for me to do it even though I want to hate you

The Ritual has achieved to do something nearly impossible for me and that’s to give me an EP without room for improvement. I hope to hear a lot more from these guys, having already reached out to them.. I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on their progress.. make sure you check out their Soundcloud page and follow them on Twitter!


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Beba Miranda Married to Music. Passionate Humanitarian. Devoted Writer. Comedian Wanna Be. Semi-Professional Dancer in my mind. International Citizen. Dreamer. I want to find that one track that brings the world to its knees.