John Dahlback’s Mutants Records are back on the radar, with their next single dropping on Monday. This time, they’ve called on the slightly off-beat sounds of Jimi Frew, an Australian producer and songwriter who brings “Yalla” to the table. As a lover of electro house, I sometimes find myself listening to a lot of duplicate beats, and individuality can sometimes be swept up in the need to make tunes dance floor-accessible. In the case however, Frew has created something that remains distinctive and packed with style, which will undoubtedly cause some raging in the clubs.
“Yalla” blends multiple influences into the mix, which allows him to give his creativity the space it requires. Whilst it maintains the typical elements – such as a rhythmically-dominant intro and chugging synths – in the mix, it’s refreshing to hear Eastern-fused guitar twangs and almost sinister vocal contributions. The result is something that somehow has more colour and texture than previous Mutants releases, with Frew describing the process of making the track as “fun and fluid.”
To mix up your playlist next week, throw “Yalla” in, and see what happens. You can pre-order your copy right here.