We’re big fans of St. Lucia over here at The Sights and Sounds, so any day with a new track by him is cause for celebration. Breezy and with lofty ambitions, St. Lucia’s new single “Elevate” channels Washed Out’s recent rebirth and couples it with HAERTS-esque soaring choruses to great effect. Over trop-pop synths and tribal beats that channel the ethereal, “Elevate” takes your soul and spirals it straight into the clouds.
Lyrically, it’s a departure from his most infamous single, “Before The Dive” (a song which if it didn’t end up on your best of list for 2012, someone had you captive in a cave). Whereas “Before The Dive” found him finding freedom by descending into the basest of human emotions–a well intentioned yet libidinal tour through a bathhouse in search of real life–“Elevate” is all about leaving all imprints of this world behind.
It’s the perfect mix of earned joyfulness and summer beats and surely will be soundtracking our summer. Check out St. Lucia on Soundcloud and Facebook for more.