Home Tag "burial"

Burial Is Back With An Emotive New Single ‘Rodent’ On Hyperdub

A Burial release is never to be expected, as over the years London’s William Emmanuel Bevan has attained his fabled alias’ status through frequent but unforeseen re-surfacings. Collaborating with a formidable collection of artists such as Four Tet, Massive Attack, Thom Yorke and Zomby over the years—in addition to a hefty slew of acclaimed long-form EPs— […]


A muted disaffection, a cold affair with the world where we whisper sounds of our discontentment into tumblers of scotch–that’s the sound of our generation. We are a disconnected generation. We look at the world and it stares back placidly as it shrugs–it’s forgotten who we even are. And we sit in our bedrooms and bar […]

[MONTHLY] Go To War: Best Sounds of 12.2013

Go to war: against the dervish monkey on your back stabbing you in the kidney, against the racing thoughts gallavanting in your head until they spill out your eyes, against the general unwilligness to fucking change. Some people use the last playlist of the year to reflect and bask in their general wondrousness–which, you know, […]