Home Tag "C2C"

[HIP-HOP] 20syl Has An Alter Ego: Meet AllttA

You may have heard Sylvain Richard, also known as 20syl, without knowing it – part of C2C, their single “Down The Road” and its followup EP hit number one on the french charts and hit the top of Hypemachine charts, as well- but as a solo artist he has flown relatively under the radar. A […]


Sick new video ‘performance’ from the C2C DJ Team, who kill this stop-motion like video. The concept came from Francis Cutter and 20syl, who make up part of the DJ team, with the director of photography title handed to Bertrand Latouche. Each member is individually filmed and then placed into the video to perfectly match […]

C2C DJ Team

I don’t see much team DJing in the mainstream music scene today and it’s unfortunate. I think it is pretty cool. The old school garage rock band evolved into a new school DJ band. C2C is a four person DJ team hailing from France. Comprising the four member team are Greem, Atom, Pfel and 20Syl […]