[CHILL] Zedd – “Spectrum” (Piano Version)

Ever increasingly I’ve heard more and more people talk about how EDM producers aren’t real musicians and they just sit back and let the programs do the work for them. While this might be true for some producer/DJs out there, a handful of the chart toppers can actually play music. Which is why I’m glad Zedd came along to shut everyone up for the time being, ’cause this kid is uber talented. Not only does he know how to make a banger with actual song structure, but check out the video below of him ripping up his single, “Spectrum,” on the piano (a real instrument! Shock and awe!). Enjoy.



Full song available here:

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Kris: @TheSightsSoundsHi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!