Categories: ChillR&B

[DARK R&B] FKA Twigs – Two Weeks


Sometimes I lose Faith in new music.
But then something amazing happens.
I hear a song that makes every hair on my skin dance.

FKA Twigs has brought us once again another song for the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the balcony… whatever, I want to test drive it everywhere. F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C.

The beginning of Two Weeks automatically drags your body under someone else’s sweaty skin. The vocals, the lyrics, the heavy breathing all of it immediately translates into the best sex you will ever have. Constant flashing in my head of legs entwined with multiple sets of other legs, a movie reel of lips and flesh, the soundtrack behind sweaty palm prints on the backseat of a car… how can you not get hot when you listen to this song?

Two Weeks has gone up to No.1 in my Sex, Love & Drugs playlist ladder. It is impossible for me to stop listening to it and I think whenever people are around me and this track is blasting I exude raw desperation.

I am completely at awe by the irrational need that is born in my mind, body and soul from beginning to end of this piece of art. Instantly, I want to turn the lights off, two-hand grab your face, rub myself all over you in primal territory marking behaviour, lick your lips and bite something… Sorry… I may be higher than a motherfucker—dreamin’ about IT.

Pull out the insides and give me two weeks, you won’t recognize her
Mouth open, you’re high
I know it hurts
You know I’d put you first
I can fuck you better, better

Make sure to give Ms. Amazing, FKA Twigs a follow on her Youtube 


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Beba Miranda: Married to Music. Passionate Humanitarian. Devoted Writer. Comedian Wanna Be. Semi-Professional Dancer in my mind. International Citizen. Dreamer. I want to find that one track that brings the world to its knees.