[DARK R&B] Matthew Young – Love Blind

Hands flat against the wall behind our bed frame..
Absolutely no inhibition; vision censorship.
All I needed was one night;
but I want them all.
The heightened sensation of your breath against my skin,
the way my toes curl when you say my name, repeatedly.
The patterned friction between our hips moving to the bass,

loving you, loving you, loving you…

There are few things I find more exciting than discovering a new artist… hearing a track that makes the hair around my forearms spike up, feeling that bass that gives you porn girl syndrome and to top it off vocals that can only be described as post-orgasmic. Matthew Young is bringing us those fresh R&B vocals that we love and mixing it with the perfect balance of electronic pop. Now I have to give a shout out to sojuju for featuring Love Blind in the incredibly smooth mix Collide Part II , after almost 5 hour searching for the creator I realized the track list was listed *insert Homer DOPE face*  I believe out of the 149 views this track currently has on YouTube, I probably handled 49… but I’m hoping after this review gets out there I can get all of you on my newly found Matthew Young bandwagon.

Love Blind is the perfect Sunday morning, panties and big t-shirt, dimmed lights, explore your inner stripper track. Go on, go ahead and follow Matthew on SoundCloud, take advantage of that free download,  blast Love Blind on your speakers and practice. Raise your hands up while you sway your hips, close your eyes, touch your face, make love to your own skin, feel the song vibrate against you and trust me…

Love is the currency you’re paying in advance..

Be sure to check out the rest of his newly released tracks, I highly recommend Bend


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Beba Miranda: Married to Music. Passionate Humanitarian. Devoted Writer. Comedian Wanna Be. Semi-Professional Dancer in my mind. International Citizen. Dreamer. I want to find that one track that brings the world to its knees.