[DUBSTEP] Zeds Dead – “Shut Up and Sing V2.0” Feat. Greta Svabo Bech

Dear , I fucking love you. Both of you. Dylan and Zach, you make my dreams come true. Dear Zeds Dead, please don’t ever stop the pure madness and bliss you make come alive through my headphones, I can’t fathom living in a world without it. Dear Zeds Dead, I love you, again. Sincerely, Lauren.

Okay rant over, as I literally just took a big deep breathe in to draw back in my emotions and write this review. If I need to preface who Zeds Dead is to you, then go screw yourself. The duo recently released (and by recent I mean TODAY) “Shut Up & Sing V2.0” featuring Greta Svabo Bech and obviously it does not disappoint. So maybe you’re not as a big of a Zeds Dead fan as I, respectfully so (not), but allow me to explain why this song is so amazeballs.

Greta Svabo Bech manifests staggering noises from somewhere inside her core, that is frighteningly beautiful. It’s hard to go wrong when one starts with great vocals, but Zeds Dead somehow used the vocals as an accent to their uplifting route of beats and tempos. What starts off leisurely, advances with a build driven by captivating drums and leads up to an elegant drop that can only lead into bwomp worthy synthesized dance moves navigated by the cleanest wobbly bass. And the crowd goes crazy. My head can’t stop swaying back and forth as I listen to this. Lucky for me they will be playing at Mill City Nights in Minneapolis next Thursday September 19th, and I am happily accepting applications for a rage buddy to join me. Lucky for you this track will be available for purchase this Friday September 6th on itunes.com!



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Lauren Walker: Likes it hot, off the turntable that is.