[SHOW REVIEW] Netsky “Stay Up With Me” LIVE Tour

Photo Credit: Freshtodeath.com

I woke up with a ringing in my ears louder than you could imagine, a sore wrist, black bruises across my ribs and without the ability to turn my head sideways.

You’re probably thinking, Jesus, did this girl get beat up?


Drum and Bass shows are scarce here in Vancouver. Sure they come once in a while but when you lust after a new age Amen beat the way I do, it feels like generations pass by before the next show gets announced.

I had the absolute pleasure of witnessing Netsky on his “Stay Up With Me” Live Tour here in Vancouver. Holy shit did I stay up all night. My mind was buzzing with excitement after I left the venue. Having an entire band there to support and play LIVE with was something so incredible to watch. Even his MC was a force to be reckoned with and usually I detest MC’s.

As soon as we walked in I was shocked at the amount of people. I was kind of thinking it would be way under sold seeing as Vancouver’s not one of the cities that come to mind when you think of Drum and Bass. But a massive crowd turned mosh pit for Netsky, pleasantly proved me wrong. The entire atmosphere was something to witness. The bass lines were moving through each human at an accelerated rate causing extreme heart palpitations I swear I could feel from the energy around me.

The 25-year-old Belgian producer took center stage with spotlights showcasing two other band members as well as the MC. My jaw hung open in overwhelming satisfaction every time he screamed, “When I say NETSKY you say OH.” Who’d have thought this simple sentence would start such a riot. The mosh pit was something out of a movie. My friend asking me to hold her bag while she went into the middle to go buck wild for a minute or two, she returned covered in sweat and satisfaction.

20 minutes into the set I was already in love. And with this love I pushed my friend and myself to the front. Here’s where we would post ourselves for the rest of the night. My ribs felt like they had melted and become part of the edge of the stage. Looking up I could see the band fully entranced in the music they were playing. This was so overly refreshing and beautiful to see in an age where most people are only accused of “pressing play.”

After a couple high fives from the MC, I completely lost myself. Hair thrashing, ribs crushing, shuffling feet I was in absolute heaven. The emotions that come through drum and bass are unlike any other subgenre I can think of. The melodic vocals and the aggression shown through the beat are so harmonious in creating a perfect score to a perfect night.

Feeling beat up the next day isn’t a complaint; it’s praise. It’s a thank you to Netsky and his band for shaking up my routine and making me remember why I love this music so much. Thank you for showing me your talent as a musician, thank you for letting me be myself and thrash around, thank you for showing me artists like you still exist.



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Sounds of Asteria: We are Chelsea and Tabitha and collectively we make up Sounds of Asteria. We’re two girls aiming to show a more personal side to dance music, providing you with raw and honest material surrounding your favourite artists, festivals and everything in between. We eat, sleep and breathe dance music; follow our adventures as we share the most wild and real moments in EDM around the world.