A distant land where the rivers of rhythm never run dry and the melodies in the wind are only the most soulful and powerful. That’s where I want to be. Where the combination of noises are vibrant with life, with tone, with volume. Luckily, this place exists and we’re going to take a sonic expedition through this unique and unparalleled compilation.

Alaya is new label, music collective, and blog that has recently popped up onto the scene, but has been in the works for quite some time. This is very apparent, as they’ve already gained a strong following in a pretty short amount of time. Needless to say, they’re hitting the right chord with a hungry audience, they’re backing the right artists and producers.

From their website: “alaya has been around for barely three months, but the two co-founders, Nathan Florsheim and Simon Eng have over three years of experience in the industry. The pair decided to start something together from scratch and utilize one another’s skills to the fullest extent. The resulting project was alaya. Before even making the website public the duo contacted dozens of artists in the hopes of putting together a roster for an upcoming compilation album. Immediately the idea was received with a surprising amount of support, resulting in the project being jumpstarted. After months of work the album is finally finished and ready for the public.”

If I were to try and explain the importance of alaya and what this movement is doing for the electronic/instrumental music scene, it really wouldn’t do justice. As much as I love words and writing, in this case you really just have to listen for yourself. This is honestly one of the most well-curated and beautifully branded music collectives and they’re making it an ongoing priority to share only the best sounds of underground producers, emerging composers, experimental soul artists, beat makers and body shakers. Tune in below!


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Brendon Goldwasser: Originally from Ohio, currently residing in Los Angeles. Music fuels everything I do.