[LIVE SHOW] Aurora at Thalia Hall

[LIVE SHOW] Aurora at Thalia Hall

[LIVE SHOW] Aurora at Thalia Hall


With an ethereal tone Aurora has a unique style.  Norwegian angels singing from heaven comes to mind.  Aurora’s voice is pleasantly haunting and emotional.  Her dark and poppy tone elicit an ancient feel.  If there was pop music on the HBO show Game of Thrones she would most definitely be featured.

Aurora’s Thalia show was surprisingly enchanting.  Aurora has a genuine way dancing with her hands as she sings.  Her fidgeting, rocking, and jumping that accompanies her every note is childlike and charming.  This self expression reflects a genuine desire and lack of fear to be herself for everyone who came to support her.  Aurora’s stage presence is fantastic and relies completely on her youthful spirit and naive self expression.  Many people in the room were singing along throughout the show, eyes never leaving her, completely entranced in her dance and song.

Aurora pushes her songs out of the throat with a force that seems like a necessary purge.  You can see her passion in her dance and hear the real emotion in her voice.  It was almost like she was feeling her way through every song as opposed to relying on the many hours of rehearsal that have gotten her to where she is today.  However, her flow with the rest of the band reflected a fantastic chemistry that didn’t reveal whether or not she was improvising her notes.

Another thing that really took me off my guard were her monologues between songs.  They were so genuine, improvised, and so damn cute.  I wasn’t the only one who just wanted to put her in my pocket and take her home.

Aurora’s live show adds another layer of glow to each song that has somehow stayed with me.  I’m interested to see where her talents take her in the future.  Would recommend.


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