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Gloria Lee


Top Emerging Artists of Camp Bisco 2017

Secondary to it’s reputation as the Wook capital of the northeast, one of the most notable features of Camp Bisco is it’s dedicated daytime crowd. Going against all kinds of biological logic, attendees will stay up till sunrise and bounce right back in time to catch the early artists on the bill. Every year without fail. […]

[FESTIVAL NEWS] Elements Festival Expands to 2 Days, Reveals Phase 1 Lineup

BangON! NYC just announced the 3rd edition of Elements Music and Arts Festival with their most extensive lineup to date. The poster also reveals that the festival will be extended to a two day experience. The lineup features big-time headliners like Griz, The Knocks, Zeds Dead and Flylo as well as your emerging, low-key artists, like Kasbo […]

[FESTIVAL RECAP] Okeechobee Bridges Gap Between Live Music and Mindfulness

I stand head first, arms back, one bare foot pointed back in the air and the other nestled in the dusty grass of Yogachobee. My balance shifts and I start to shake, starting from my core and reverberating to my extremities. The uncertainty hits my knees and just as it begins to buckle, a hand […]

[EXPERIMENTAL] The New Flying Lotus Movie Looks Absolutely Disgusting

If his music videos and album covers are any indication of his artistic preference, you know Flying Lotus has a sick fascination for the macabre. He channels this passion in his latest film Kuso, which was featured at the Sundance Film festival this past January. Flylo one upped himself on this one —the movie was so vile some […]

[Festival Preview] Why Okeechobee Is Different, According to Reddit

First impressions are everything, and Okeechobee clearly blew theirs out of the water. Just after its first run, this Florida newcomer made huge splashes in the media and festival community, winning a spot as one of the top music festival destinations in the country. What exactly did Okeechobee do right? The internet knows. We casted a line out to the […]