Home Tag "Phantogram"

[DARK INDIETRONICA] Phantogram- Fall In Love (Until The Ribbon Breaks Re-Imagination)

Darkness twists and darkness pulls, and sometimes synths can shower us enough until we drown, forced to swim outside our trapped, little worlds. Those kinds of synths turn the production into a firehose, and they always inevitably fail any time they try and force a Phantogram song to be anything other than what it inherently […]

[MONTHLY] Ghost Heart Goes Alone: Best of 02.2013

Photos courtesy of Deptford Goth. CATCH a FREE DOWNLOAD of the tracks featured here by going HERE.<—-Yes, that linky thing. 2014’s been choice thus far in soundtracking my time in the wilderness.  Not actual wilderness;because fuck nature, fuck yo tree, and  fuck  yo mountain.  If I wanted to troll around a place where something might […]

[MONTHLY] Go To War: Best Sounds of 12.2013

Go to war: against the dervish monkey on your back stabbing you in the kidney, against the racing thoughts gallavanting in your head until they spill out your eyes, against the general unwilligness to fucking change. Some people use the last playlist of the year to reflect and bask in their general wondrousness–which, you know, […]