[DEEP HOUSE] Harold van Lennep – Liberation

[DEEP HOUSE] Harold van Lennep – Liberation

[DEEP HOUSE] Harold van Lennep – Liberation




I haven’t yet reached enough narcissistic levels to contemplate myself worthy of being named God. Nevertheless, I look into the lost souls around me and say “Welcome home”.

I believe that life puts people in our paths that are meant to be there. Whether they are the forbidden fruit tempting us to renounce on all of what we deem sacred or they are the force holding our hand dragging us into the light, these people all have a purpose. Even if you are a ‘love mess’  there will be a friend, a lover, a mentor – a lighthouse showing you the way.

My name symbolized all that was corrupt to society

His name symbolized all that was pure

And I was being held in the embrace of a man who was pure

We all have a moment like this in life; don’t we? You visualize yourself standing in the middle of the rubble. The stones and bricks falling around the structure of your heart and soul lifting up the dust that is your mind and while mayhem and chaos is screamed by voices running around you of people you thought would be there to “catch you when you fall” you realize no one has yet held on to you and said RUN. Everyone is drowning in their own fear and there is no space for yours.

But here I am telling you, there is space.

Here I am telling you, there is a light.

Here I am telling you, Welcome Home.

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Beba Miranda Married to Music. Passionate Humanitarian. Devoted Writer. Comedian Wanna Be. Semi-Professional Dancer in my mind. International Citizen. Dreamer. I want to find that one track that brings the world to its knees.