[THE DAILY SWIM] Mr. Carmack – “Jade”

[THE DAILY SWIM] Mr. Carmack – “Jade”

[THE DAILY SWIM] Mr. Carmack – “Jade”


[THE DAILY SWIM] Mr. Carmack - "Jade"

Welcome to The Daily Swim, a running series on The Sights and Sounds. As a daily swimmer, water has always served as a dichotomy to my psyche – wholly and unswervingly calming in it’s vast simplicity yet at the same time able to harness and create massive amounts of energy. Which is exactly the type of music The Daily Swim will feature – no fuss posts with tracks from great artists that serve as both calming and energizing to get you through the deep end of your day.

Spend enough time in the churning waters of the ocean and you’ll find out that sometimes, as in life, the undulating currents of the seas can savagely draw you in, forcing you farther from where you want to be. But maybe the place you thought you needed to be wasn’t, and instead, you find yourself on a new adventure, on a new course set for your life brought on by unforeseen circumstances. And before you know it, you begin to embrace those chaotic currents which brought you so far from your planned existence, and what was once challenging, and perhaps even frightening, becomes calm and inviting. Like Mr. Carmack’s “Jade,” the current simply flows, and you can now relax in this new found sense of serenity as the waves take you, in the end, exactly where you wanted to go.




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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!