After dropping the spine-tingling “The Duchess” in early April, mysterious London producer TĀLĀ recently unveiled the second single, “Serbia”, from The Duchess EP. While “The Duchess” showcased stretched-out/chopped up vocals and synths that Rustie would be proud of, “Serbia” places TĀLĀ’s vocal work right at the forefront without much synthesis.

Listeners familiar with “The Duchess” may find “Serbia” initially arresting and surprising, not only due to the industrial beats that feature prominently throughout but also at how large the track sounds. The beats however serve as the perfect foil to the smooth, repeated vocal refrain: ‘You give me something/just what I need’.

TĀLĀ is proving to be bursting with ideas and seemingly has a sonic palate which many producers will greatly envy. And in “Serbia” we have a track that could potentially be prominent in soundtracking those hazy summer evenings to come.

Check it out below and if you like what you hear, you can pre-order the EP via Aesop Records’ website.

Written by: Saam Idelji-Tehrani


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Saam Idelji Like Tom from 500 Days of Summer, I spent a lot of my youth listening to sad British pop music, and now, I write as a UK Contributor for The Sights and Sounds about the music I love (be it melancholic or not). Also a medical student in South London. Favourite album: Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express