[INDIE ROCK] You’re Going To Have To Keep Your Eyes Closed For Local Natives’ Latest Track

[INDIE ROCK] You’re Going To Have To Keep Your Eyes Closed For Local Natives’ Latest Track

[INDIE ROCK] You’re Going To Have To Keep Your Eyes Closed For Local Natives’ Latest Track


Close your eyes


Now just manage
to keep them closed
throughout the entirety
of this new song



You’re going to want to get comfortable for this one.

Local Natives, the LA indie-rockers, have shared their latest song “I Saw You Close Your Eyes”. The new tune’s available for listening at CloseYourEyes.net with an interesting set of directions for the listener. They begin as such,

“In order for this experience to work best, please turn the lights off in your room and turn the brightness up on your laptop.”

“If you’re wearing glasses, remove them for a moment. Then click the link to grant access to your eyes below, position your head about 12 inches from the screen and close your eyes when you’re ready to listen.”

The website uses your computer’s camera playing the song only if you keep your eyes closed throughout.

If you think you’re ready for all that jazz, check it out here.

If you are able to manage to keep your eyes shut you’re in for a treat. Local Natives deliver a super groovy tune. It may take you some time to configure your eyes with the computer, but remember, the more you dance or bob your head, the more difficult it will be to consistently stream the tune.

It should be interesting to see where artists take the experience of listening to music in the years to come. With the rise of virtual reality, it’s safe to assume that in a few short years we may experience music in a totally new manner.

This exciting new experience isn’t the only thing Local Natives have been up to though. Check out the group’s recent cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Tusk”, recorded in the very same studio where the band recorded the original. “Tusk” is apart of Spotify’s new artist series “Music Happens Here”, a music and video series examining some of the most iconic places where music has been created, performed, and celebrated.

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Grace Fleisher Former Managing Editor