
Sometimes we can be such shallow bitches. I’ll admit to being punked by the album art for Tabloid’s stellar dark pop single, “Voyeur”. You’ve seen this song swimming around your Soundcloud streams and–if you’re like me–and took one look at Kim Kardashian on the cover and thought, “Well, here’s some petty pop that goes ‘Squeeeeeeeee!'”. Admit it, it crossed your mind.

It shouldn’t. “Voyeur” is Grade AA dark indietronica, capturing a The Neighbourhoodd/Sir Sly-esque wary wobble down pat. It’s rife with well structured tension about struggling to reclaim your identity after its been defined by noisy windowshoppers, opinionated peoples viewing you like a zoo animal from the street; yet claiming the ability to understand your mechanics so well they can play you like a marionette. In there, the album art makes sense, its a metaphor. Ah, fuck, yes, metaphors.

But they’re not in control, the voyeurs, that is. They don’t know the ‘slightest thing about [you]’. Still, there is so much to wrest from them, to take back parts of you in a mission to ‘feel alive’, feel real. But what is real, what’s observed? That’s where the magic of the track happens, and you once you give into it, missing Tabloid’s awesome debut single feels even more shaming.

So hang your head in shame like me, and then follow them on  Tumblr and Soundcloud (and get a free download) to see if they can recapture the magic a second time.


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Kavi Senior Editor. Currently based in Bangkok. I review dark indietronica/pop with my signature style of delving into the sexuality, sensuality and emotionality of every song. If you'd like me to premiere your track, contact me at the email below or at soundcloud.com/discordbeing