[ELECTRONIC] Steve James and LIGHTS Takes You Into Battle With “Warrior”

[ELECTRONIC] Steve James and LIGHTS Takes You Into Battle With “Warrior”

[ELECTRONIC] Steve James and LIGHTS Takes You Into Battle With “Warrior”


“I got my head high, my chest out, my eyes open wide”

Calling warrior women everywhere! Right now, more than ever, we have seen a wave of momentum fighting to protect what we hold important the world over. We live in divisive times, and manipulation, greed, and fear are becoming the currency of the rich – leaving the rest of us grasping for survival in more ways than one. Steve James‘ newest track “Warrior”, featuring LIGHTS, is exactly that call to arms to rise up and stand for your beliefs, whatever they are.

“Warrior” crescendos into something altogether more dramatic and punchy as the message builds, taking you off guard like a surprise attack from a wild mongoose. As the protagonist’s journey of overcoming obstacles becomes clear, you also become aware that the warrior LIGHTS is singing about is also you. YOU are autonomous, strong, and are able to do whatever you need to to accomplish your goals. As you gain this solidarity with the strong vocals and anthemic production, it almost feels like the words are fighting alongside you – indeed, you aren’t alone in this fight – we all are fighting our own battles together and we can’t let anyone hold us back.

“Warrior” is perfect for those times you might need to push through something difficult, check out the video below and let the music and those lyrics pump you full of energy to make anything happen.


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