[HOUSE] Alesso ft. Roy English – “Cool” (Autograf Remix)

[HOUSE] Alesso ft. Roy English – “Cool” (Autograf Remix)

[HOUSE] Alesso ft. Roy English – “Cool” (Autograf Remix)


[HOUSE] Alesso ft. Roy English - "Cool" (Autograf Remix)

Some days the joy is gone. It’s lost in the mundane tasks of dealing with press, writing another boring release to ensure your credentials into the festivals, in writing emails, and fixing coding problems, in dealing with tech support and non-responsive writers. Running a music blog is hard fucking work and the irony is not lost on me that I started this as an outlet to my ‘real’ work. The fact that good music comes out at a faster pace than my writing allows me to share it with all of you only adds to the stress. Why did I get into this again? Oh, that’s right… the music. That’s where the passion stems from and that’s where it needs to be focused. Fuck the rest of it, the Facebook likes, the Google Analytics, all the press bullshit. After all this time spent trying to breakthrough in the blogosphere, more success will never satisfy the craving to just enjoy the music.

And so it’s the music that keeps bringing me back, reigning in my ego for a more carnal desire to just sit and listen. So this isn’t a track review in the formal sense as much as it’s a thank you. Not only to groups like Autograf, who time and again produce flawless cuts of inspiration and optimism, truth and humanity, love and life, but to all artists who sacrifice to bring us their creativity no matter the costs. It’s not done to get popular and rich quick. It’s done to share, to make everyone around us fuller as human beings and become fuller ourselves for sharing. So as you listen to Autograf’s soaring French house remix of Alesso, think of what the world – your world – would be like without these artists sharing themselves with us, and then thank them in your own way that they did.




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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!