[MONTHLY] Um, F*ck Fear. I Have None: The Sights and Sounds’ Best of Feb. 2013
We haven’t done this in awhile and it’s totally Kavit’s fault (you’re a pillar of success, Kavit) so here’s a larger set of our Sunday Spotlights compiling our best of the best for the month—at least according to what that wily Kavit thinks (and, you know, he’s a bit of a pusher about featuring his precious future garage).
February was leagues ahead of January’s releases; and through the month we noticed a thematic thread connecting much of the month’s best tracks: dealing with that creeping, familiar sense of fear once the rosy afterglow aura of the New Year passed. February is the worst: inevitably you always trip up somewhere on your lofty aims and you have to use March to spring ahead again so you don’t feel like all you do is only go backwards.
This playlist is all about bursting forward through that anxiety and telling fear to fuck off on the dance floor. No “Gravediggress'” will be necessary to bury and “Burn” our mistakes in a month of shaming Lent. “One Way” or another we’ll come to terms that “Lifeissin” and learn to live [insert positive adjectival verb here] till we die”.
Countries Represented: 8
UK, US, Canada, France, Portugal, Israel, Belgium, Spain
Become a Music Trivia Nerd:
- Vox Mod’s pedigree is immense: not only does Palaceer Lazaro from Shabaaz Palaces join in, but ThEESatisfaction collaborator Erik Blood also comes along for the ride. The Seattle future/instrumental hip-hop scene is the place to pay attention to lately.
- This is the second time Teen Daze has remixes a Braids track into pure gold. The first being one of my top 10 tracks of the last 4 years, his take on their “Glass Deers”.
- Portuguese Band M.A.U. are a creative powerhouse. If you haven’t checked out their take on S O H N’s The Wheel, do it, like now. Plus, we’ve featured Noah Hyde’s essential take on their “Cheetah” already this year.
- Do you recognize the sample in French group Anatomy‘s Burn? Yeah, that’s the most inventive use of Foxes’ “Youth” I’ve heard.