[NEWS] Will You Help SolarBeatz Capture The Sun?

[NEWS] Will You Help SolarBeatz Capture The Sun?

[NEWS] Will You Help SolarBeatz Capture The Sun?


For every gallon of gasoline you help save, you also save approximately 20 pounds of C02 emissions from entering our atmosphere.

What do you do when you want to transform the current energy paradigm in a unique, fun way?

What any sensible group of creative environmentalists would do, of course! We re-purposed a delivery truck into a mobile, SOLAR-POWERED performance venue for DJs, bands, artists and performers of all kinds.

In 2010, our team at the GOBI Project, a community based 501c3 not-for-profit organization supporting the development of clean energy practices, began building this outrageous, interactive experience in an effort to introduce the renewable energy conversation to a larger audience. We are SolarBeatz. Our mission is a unique, thought provoking, inspirational, and educational catalyst used at festivals, community events, private parties and schools to promote environmental sustainability.

But SolarBeatz is also more than a radical, solar-powered spectacle of light and sound. We are a global community of conscious beings: artists, innovators, environmentalists, lovers and creators of all kinds. We believe that sustainability doesn’t need to sacrifice the quality of life, but rather, inherently improves it. Moreover, SolarBeatz is always creating community by bringing people, from all walks of life, together for a one-of-a-kind group experience.

Since 2011, SolarBeatz has participated in countless community events and festivals (from Chicago Pride Parade and Burning Man to Earth Day celebrations), spreading the word of alternative energy and throwing a more conscious party all while demonstrating the power of renewable energy. During the day, the solar paneling on the side of the truck converts the sun’s rays into an incredible live audio-visual experience…and once the sun goes down the party dances on thanks to an on-board battery bank that reserves excess solar energy!

But SolarBeatz needs your help!

Without a slew of necessary repairs the truck may have to go into early retirement.

When SolarBeatz was created and initially constructed, our mission was clear:

-Create awareness and community by bringing sustainability to the not so typical audience by throwing a greener, more sustainable party.

-Demonstrate the endless possibilities of alternative energy, particularly solar power.

-Provide a fun and interactive education platform


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Unfortunately, after countless hours spent providing power to events, art exhibits, and dancing late into the night, our equipment is in need of updates, repairs, and replacements.

-A 240w solar panel is broken and inoperable.

-The energy power flux converter is out of date (Yes, it’s a real thing).

-The worn out battery bank can only store about 2 hours worth of bass-bumping, lean and clean sun energy.

This means that we are relying more and more on petroleum fuel to keep the show running – which is taking us further from our mission!

We are ready to keep truckin’ for years to come, but the truck herself? She needs some big help. Not only is it our goal to restore the integrity of our mission, but to blow our original level of sustainability out of the water!

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In order to accomplish this, we need to raise a minimum of $10,000 for parts and labor; every penny helps and your participation is mission critical! How can you help?


For every gallon of gasoline you help us save, you also save approximately 20 pounds of C02 emissions from entering our atmosphere. By sustaining our planet, we will be able to dance longer into the night, educate and raise awareness, AND keep the party going for generations to come.

Infinite gratitude for any and all support and looking forward to dancing with you far into the future.

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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!