[DEEP HOUSE] Hot Natured ft. Anabel Englund – “Reverse Skydiving”

[DEEP HOUSE] Hot Natured ft. Anabel Englund – “Reverse Skydiving”

[DEEP HOUSE] Hot Natured ft. Anabel Englund – “Reverse Skydiving”


[DEEP HOUSE] Hot Natured ft. Anabel Englund - "Reverse Skydiving"

Hot Natured‘s “Reverse Skydiving” has to be the filthiest house anthem I’ve ever heard; but like all great odes to sumptuous smut, it holds its cards loosely to the vest under a convincing sheen of naivete that could fool even a One Million Moms march into dance. Featuring the classiest innuendos this side of a Southern Decadence festival, “Reverse Skydiving” will sling your mind to the middle of the club, keeping you dancing until you’re dripping wet n’ wild.

Hot Nature’s guest vocalist, Anabel Englund, certainly has the vapours, but they never try to hustle that energy like they’re main-staging Hustlaball. Still, it makes their stylings steam up your glasses in such a way that you’ll need a bath after listening to this track.

So, if you’re up for listening to a song that can make even the most provincial Victorian’s insides turn into a black/white party, give “Reverse Skydiving” a listen. The beats are infectious, but just this side of not emblazoning a bio-hazard tat on you after listening. Godspeed to you, though, if you hear this track for the first time in a Basement Bar in Berlin—even the strongest souls fall victim to Germanic hedonism.




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Kavi Senior Editor. Currently based in Bangkok. I review dark indietronica/pop with my signature style of delving into the sexuality, sensuality and emotionality of every song. If you'd like me to premiere your track, contact me at the email below or at soundcloud.com/discordbeing