[ELECTRO] Savoy – ‘Three Against Nature’ EP

[ELECTRO] Savoy – ‘Three Against Nature’ EP

[ELECTRO] Savoy – ‘Three Against Nature’ EP


[ELECTRO] Savoy - 'Three Against Nature' EPBy: Lauren Walker

The opening track, “Say Yes,” off Savoy‘s freshly released Three Against Nature EP lays out the electro pace for the 4-track debut and does so seamlessly, without over killing the tempo and relying on its consistency of beats and loops. “Make Me Feel Good” has a retro flair and has natural layering through the song that keeps you listening without realizing you’ve been entranced. The minimal lyrics allow you to really absorb all the tones and appreciate it. “I Wouldn’t Mind” has to be my favorite, with original vocals that don’t steal the focus from the rest of the track. It’s fast-pace tempo, perfect pauses and superb high pitch notes make your head bop and want to dance.

The last track, “You & I,” has an uncannily similar sound to the new Daft Punk tracks, specifically “Get Lucky.” They are very different in many ways, i.e. Pharrell, but it contains that consistent retro 70’s beat spiced up with electronic flavors. I had to listen to the two songs one after the other to make sure I wasn’t jumping to conclusions, but take a listen for yourself! “You & I” has a strong resemblance to the background beats of “Get Lucky” and has similar robotic voice-overs throughout the verses. This flash back of styles into the 70’s is something I think we are going to see more and more of. I could easily throw this EP on at a party and it would be a crowd-pleaser and is right on par with where the sounds of EDM are heading. Savoy took a slight step away from their previously dirty dubstep sound and it is definitely worth a listen!

Head over to Savoy’s Soundcloud for a free download of the EP.







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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!