As time moves forward and one season is replaced by the next, old memories replaced by new, it’s sometimes difficult to stay in touch with those people that have played large roles in our lives, and whom we promised to stay in touch with but inevitably faltered. As new people and experiences merge and diverge from our timelines, it’s easy to lose sight of who really matters – your friends and family, the loved ones who have been by your side even though you haven’t called or poked them on Facebook in years. So we must maintain integrity in keeping those lovers close, both in the platonic sense as well as the physical. Don’t lose support system in favor of the new and shiny, because that too will eventually fade.
Canadian duo Adventure Club proactively remind themselves of this all too easy to forget lifestyle by reaffirming to themselves, “I won’t let you fade away.” Bringing back a sound that we haven’t heard from the AC boys since their early material, “Fade” employs soaring vocals courtesy of Zak Waters over pulsating synths and bass. Having taken flack for experimenting in the less “hard-hitting” genres of EDM, a la “Wonder”, die hard fans will rejoice in the crunchiness found within “Fade”. Check it out below, and make sure to snag your copy here.