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[GOODSEX TIPS] Chicago Celebrates Two Years of Underground TECH[NO]

The late night music scene in Chicago has been around for over 20 years, so creating a new party that will remain relevant can be difficult. It’s not a new phenomena that people want to dance late into the night, sometimes even until the bars reopen in the morning (i.e. Techno Breakfast). These parties are often […]

[GOODSEX TIPS] Light Em Up Shows the Roots of House Music in Latest Mix

The Chicago native duo, Light Em Up, has time and time again shown us that every genre of music can start a fire. In this edition of their genre based mix series, Classic House,  the boys light up the airwaves with the grooviest collection of house music this side of an Afro Sheen commercial. Don’t get […]

[GOODSEX TIPS] Bentley Dean Lays the Bass on Thick in Chills Remix

-Make the Music You Want to Hear in the World- This is a concept often lost in the current music production game right now. Too many make the music they think people want to hear or they remix a track only because they know the original is popular enough to push theirs to the top […]

[GOODSEX TIPS] Check Out the Anonymous Producer Gorilla Bass

Coming out of the figurative left field of music production, Gorilla Bass has been releasing remixes anonymously for about a year now.  These have gone wildly unnoticed for some reason or an another, but what I can tell you is that each each track showcases a unique blend of bass and trap that will make […]

[GOODSEX TIPS] How Chicago’s Nightlife Industry Won Back Sunday Night

For as long as I can remember, Sunday night has been the time when the nightlife industry, who slave all weekend for the betterment of Chicago’s delinquent generation of alcoholics, finally get a chance to cut loose and do weird stuff with their friends. Frequently starting at homie hot spots such as LA Social, Mason […]