This weekend is going to be a journey! A journey to where I’m not exactly sure. But I do know how it will start. I’m going to kick the weekend of with The M Machine‘s 7 1/2 minute trek through prog house wonderland with their remix of Arty‘s “Together We Are” featuring Chris James. A bouncy beat and Chris James’ billowing vocals help bring the track to it’s first big crescendo. Like the mighty hero on his quest for the princess, he inevitably comes across some excessive filth and grime he must overcome before all is well in the land again. And so the journey continues with Chris James narrating through another beautifully structured chorus that rises to the final climax of our journey. Alas, we come through the other side unharmed and all the more upbeat, ready for more. The M Machine’s remix of “Together We Are” is out March 18th, but you can purchase the original on Beatport here.
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