[THE DAILY SWIM] Kicks N Licks – “Lost & Found” [Free Download]

[THE DAILY SWIM] Kicks N Licks – “Lost & Found” [Free Download]

[THE DAILY SWIM] Kicks N Licks – “Lost & Found” [Free Download]


[THE DAILY SWIM] Kicks N Licks -

Welcome to The Daily Swim, a running series on The Sights and Sounds. As a daily swimmer, water has always served as a dichotomy to my psyche – wholly and unswervingly calming in it’s vast simplicity yet at the same time able to harness and create massive amounts of energy. Which is exactly the type of music The Daily Swim will feature – no fuss posts with tracks from great artists that serve as both calming and energizing to get you through the deep end of your day.

It’s good to stay busy, so they say. Keeps your mind off the negative shit and keeps your hands building great things. But every once in a while you need to take a break and let your body and mind relax and reflect. But be careful, because it’s exactly during these down periods where the weight of what you are trying to accomplish sets in, followed closely by fatigue. As if the wave of momentum you’ve been building suddenly comes crashing down – slow down too much and you’ll get sucked up and pounded into submission. It’s the elegant art of going with the flow that will keep you afloat and looking over the crest of the next big wave. So as you wait for the next set to roll in, allow the current of synths and steady rhythms of Kicks N Licks‘ “Lost & Found” help guide your path.

Enjoying the flow? Head to Kicks N Licks’ Facebook page for a free download.




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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!