Twas The Week Before Burning Man – A Procrastinator’s Guide To Playa

Twas The Week Before Burning Man – A Procrastinator’s Guide To Playa

Twas The Week Before Burning Man – A Procrastinator’s Guide To Playa


Okay, so Burning Man is right around the corner,

and you’re pretty sure that August barely happened at this point.

All of your friends are testing out their yurts, receiving packages in the mail containing custom made outfits, and putting the finishing touches on their playa gifts.

And you? You’re wondering how you are going to pull this whole thing off and remain self reliant.

You’re debating if your tent is going to be weather resistant and wondering if you can live off of goldfish the entire time.

You are a procrastinator.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back, you sad pathetic soul.

burning man procrastinators guide

First of all, if you haven’t read the preparation guide- here’s a link: Read Me!

The guide breaks down everything you need to know- from what to pack, what kind of weather to expect, and instructions on getting to and from the playa. For everything logistical about your planning experience, this is the place to do your research.

Burning Man can be an intense experience, and it’s important to have a cozy space to return to at night, or after sunrise - we’re not judging.Click To Tweet

Spend a little extra time looking through each section with a pen and paper handy as lists will be your best friend in this time of need.

Create lists of errands you need to run, things you need to buy, people you need to communicate with that you will be off grid, and lists of all the lists you need to make. Start packing a few days in advance and really think about what you will need during the week.

burning man procrastinators guide
Burning Man Sunrise

Make sure your space feels like home.

Bring the things that make you feel comfortable and secure. Burning Man can be an intense experience, and it’s definitely important to have a cozy space to return to at night, or after sunrise- we’re not judging.

Invest in some battery operated or solar powered lights for inside of your tent and make sure you have a comfortable place to sleep. Small things like a fan or your go-to pajamas can make all the difference.

Make sure your tent is secured and isn’t going to fly away and land on someone in deep playa like in Wizard of Oz. If your playa girlfriend doesn’t get this reference, she’s too young for you, bro.

burning man procrastinators guide
Burning Man 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT

Take care of your body.

Only you know intuitively what it needs and it’s your responsibility to keep it healthy.

Bring food that will nourish you and make you feel your best. Fresh fruit is always an awesome choice, 1.5 gallons of water per person per day, foods that are high in salt to keep you hydrated, and lots of pickles if you’re into that sort of thing.

Bring a cooler and enough cash to grab a few bags of ice throughout the week- there’s something about ice cold coconut water that makes you feel like a virgin, quenched for the very first time.

Stretch each morning and prepare for that familiar biking through the playa thigh burn- you earned it.

burning man procrastinators guide
Burning Man Photos 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT

Ask for help if you need it.

Be accountable for your own emotions, but be aware that there are resources available on a personal and structural level to make sure your experience is safe and positive.

Zendo, a program designed to help those having difficult experiences, is centrally located near Center Camp. Bring parts of your typical and comfortable routine (or the routine you wish you had) with you to the Burn such as meditating, using essential oils, or journaling.

Be supportive of those around you and reach out if it seems like one of your friends is struggling. Sharing familiar space or a walk away from all of the noise can do wonders for anxiety and stress.

Burning Man is not for the weak, but most people do experience weak moments. Let yourself process whatever situation you may end up in and you just might learn a little more about yourself.

burning man procrastinators guide
Burning Man Photos 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT

Bring clothing for warm and cold weather.

Be mindful of the materials you are wearing on playa and be careful not to add to MOOP.

If you’re staring at your closet wondering how you will look your best onsite- remember to let your true personality shine through what you choose to wear.

This is a place to take chances and break conventional fashion rules. You get to step into whatever character you want for the week and what matters is that you feel confident. This is a judgement-free zone and your comfort absolutely comes first. Boots or comfortable shoes will be your saving grace over the week, so make sure that you have a solid pair or two.

Bring extra layers, extra coats, extra socks, and extra everything.

The rule of thumb is- if it fits, bring it.

Burning Man Photos 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT
Burning Man 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT

Follow your intuition.

If you’re with a group of people and an art car drives by that really attracts you – don’t be afraid to make spontaneous yet safe decisions in the moment and follow your whims.

One thing that can really limit your experience at the Burn is being afraid to branch off from your normal group. Allow yourself to be swept into the bliss of the moment and listen to what your true self wants to do. There is some serious magic in that playa dust, and you never know who you might meet.

Burning Man Photos 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT
Burning Man 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT

Last but not least –

you are responsible for the experience you have on the playa!

Prepare as much as you can in the next few days and make sure you have the things you need to have a safe and memorable experience. You’ve got this, champ. We’re all rooting for you.

Burning Man Photos 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT
Burning Man 2017, Matan Tzinamon, XIMT
burning man procrastinators guide
Lighthouse Burn, Burning Man 2016

Written by: Lizzie Rose


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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!