45+ Photos From Northern Nights 2017 That Prove It’s Amazing

45+ Photos From Northern Nights 2017 That Prove It’s Amazing

45+ Photos From Northern Nights 2017 That Prove It’s Amazing


When it comes to a camping festivals in Nor-Cal, there are few that top Northern Nights.

Tucked between the Eel River and towering Redwood trees in Cooks Valley,

it’s a stunning locale for 3 days and nights of incredible music.

Don’t believe me?

See all our photos from Northern Nights 2017 below:

Head over to Northern Nights’ Website to find out more information about 2018!


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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!