The Indescribable Magic of Desert Hearts Festival, Described
With infectious anticipation and excitement, the Desert Hearts date announcement and ticket sales have been spreading like a cosmic wildfire.
Returning to Los Coyotes Reservation from April 26th-29th, tickets to the event have already sold out without hesitation. Those who have not experienced a Desert Hearts event may wonder what the hype is about.
Written by: Lizzie Rose
What is so special about this event?
Something about the festival must be so magical that it has caused each annual festival to sell out, tour dates around the country and beyond to be eagerly filled, and a spark in the eye of each person who has been in attendance.
There must be something in the air at Los Coyotes Reservation… Something in the air that has been the cause of beautiful memories, life changing realizations, the meeting of kindred souls, and the expression of so much inner beauty. In a world of so much misunderstanding and confusion, what about this event causes so much consistent joy?
A steady beat thumps for 3 days straight, through the cold hours of the night and the sunny afternoons. Bubbles float over the crowd during sunset and mimosas are passed around as the sun rises. Swirls of color make their way around the dance floor as people meet, dance, connect, and experience the art of play.
Small in size and intimate, one stage brings everyone together for a unified experience. With no backstage, exclusive access, or VIP- everyone is treated like they belong. For if one is crazy enough to be attracted to the Desert Hearts community, they are welcomed and celebrated.
Over the years it has become a sanctuary for those who watch the rest of the festival scene change and evolve. It is truly unique in its beautiful and colorful energy, the epicenter of festival fashion and expression. With a rare blessing of limited cell phone service and its location on sacred land, the festival is home to miracles and powerful community.
The answer to these musings and the meaning of the magic boils down to love and intention.
There are rare occasions in life where everything manages to click into place and synchronistic events provide a truly special experience for all. Each element of a creation slowly weaving together to create something truly magical, a masterpiece woven in perfection by those who are passionate about their art.
Desert Hearts Festival is one of those masterpieces. If finding the heart of the festival community is your intention, Desert Hearts remains the boiled down result. It epitomizes the acceptance, eccentricity, celebration, diversity, and reasons we all joined the festival community in the first place. This year’s event is certainly not to be missed.
See you all on the dance floor!