[ALT/ROCK] Wolf Alice – “Your Love’s Whore”

[ALT/ROCK] Wolf Alice – “Your Love’s Whore”

[ALT/ROCK] Wolf Alice – “Your Love’s Whore”


Don’t you want to take time and get to know me 

We could build a perfect world 

Think of all the time you spend getting to know people, others, strangers, all in the effort so that they’re no longer that – strange, foreign, unknown. Yet somehow that time is not reflected inward. How could I, my own flesh, bone and blood be considered a stranger, foreign, when it’s my very being? Because it’s not. Without taking the time to actually know, it’s nothing more than a shell, a casing, an envelope, covering, protecting and containing the contents within. The contents that are apparently a mystery, as unfamiliar as that proverbial face in the crowd. But taking the time to know changes all that. Knowing, understanding, feeling, reeling, inhaling, recognizing – it’s all necessary to build a perfect world – a perfect world of inner peace, and self recognition. A perfect world outside of me is outside my grasp (maybe it isn’t some say). As long as I remain a perfectly misunderstood self I have no hope of attaining a perfect world order within or without. Time must be taken. Attention must be paid.

I got tricks I really want to show you 

I could be your perfect girl, alright 

With all tricks there’s always more than meets the eye, that’s the whole point, the grand optical illusion. The mind ‘seeing’ where the eye leads. So let me look beyond the veil, beyond that outer casing, past the slight of hand. Reveal the mechanics of the tricks I possess. I’ve torn myself down, ridiculed, judged, tormented, all from a place of unknowing. People fear, judge, what they don’t understand. If I haven’t taken the time to get to know myself, how could I possibly understand myself? Is it not my real self, my true self, then that I actually fear? How fucking classic. My perfect self may have been there the entire time, it could be calmly dwelling inside me at this very moment, but my lazy self-loathing prevented me from discovering it. No more.

Wolf Alice

And when we grow older 

We’d still be friends 

We’d still be lovers 

And won’t fear the end 

Your self. The one relationship that is virtually impossible to end or destroy. You can tear yourself down, ignore, belittle, deceive – you still do not disappear, not fully, never entirely. Escaping one’s self may seem doable but no amount of sedation, intoxication, seduction or distraction ever fully severs the ties. You are you. You are your self, whether you know it or not. Whether you acknowledge it or not. It’s all one. You will suffer together. You will rejoice together. You will age together. Me, Myself and I – what a miserable existence if we can’t all be friends. If we can’t all be lovers. You expect people to show you caring and compassion, understanding, patience and passion if you can’t even show it to your self? How deluded. Once the time is taken, the recognition begins, the understanding and the knowing follows the fear begins the fade. The end does not seem like some terrifying lone trial.

The light won’t flicker and the light won’t fade, believe me 

And the world looks better in the place we make believe 

There’s a happiness, a peace, a light that comes with finally knowing one’s self. Embracing one’s self. Becoming your own friend and lover. After years of fumbling and tumbling through darkness, at times growing desperate, trying to claw to the surface – all in an effort to see the light. Now it’s here, of course there’s fear of losing it. Don’t fear. Believe. Believe in your self. Believe in the knowing of your self. That light is your knowledge, your understanding, your acceptance, tenderness and love – it won’t disappear on you. You will not disappear. There is enough darkness in the world without you plunging your self into it. Let’s make believe. I stare out, an inky indigo sky, tinged with a soft glowing light. There’s something about a full moon that just makes me take pause. There’s magic in it. There’s belief in it. Something about that massive, glowing orb pacifies my fears. I can believe in a better place. I can believe in a place where I know myself, where I love myself. Fuck. That’s a powerful moon. A beautiful, powerful belief.


Hearts keep pumping and there’s one thing 

That keeps me breathing 

I am me. I am the heart that beats. I am the friend. I am the lover. I am the breath and the belief. I am what keeps me going. I am what held me back – but no more, for now I know myself, or at least I’m getting there, and that’s something.

I let your love tease me 

Now I am your love’s whore

Love turned inwards is a funny thing. Especially when it’s new. That warm, fuzzy feeling usually reserved for outward connections, now comes from within, and is felt from within, vibrating against itself. The more it’s acknowledged the more it grows. The more it grows the more I crave it. An inner high. How could I have been missing this for so long? I would gladly be on my knees to keep it flowing but this love isn’t like that. It feeds on itself. It satisfies itself. As long as it isn’t shunned, denied, or refused. As long as belief and understanding remains, that moon glow resides within the self. You might think there would be an end to such a great and powerful love. Something so fierce must have a fiery demise. I’m not familiar with the world of solicitation. Maybe I’m more of a high class escort for my love. But in the end words are just words, labels are just labels. The point is that my self love, has me hooked, I am at it’s beck and call.

But, I can only love you more 

I can only love you more 

I can only love you more 




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