[DUBSTEP] Dirtiest Dubstep Drops: VOL. 49 (DELUXE EDITION)

[DUBSTEP] Dirtiest Dubstep Drops: VOL. 49 (DELUXE EDITION)

[DUBSTEP] Dirtiest Dubstep Drops: VOL. 49 (DELUXE EDITION)


Dirtiest Dubstep Drops

What’s good Sights and Sounds crew, how do you do? 10 Dirtiest Dubstep Drops Of The Week is a segment that I’ve been running on EDM.com for the past year. Once a week, we get together and rank the ten dubstep tracks from the previous week that contained the most disgusting drops. Now, a drop by no means defines a song, but it can still have a tremendous impact on how you perceive a specific production. For the 49th installment of our series, The Sights And Sounds has been kind enough to let me call their blog home. Vol. 50 is scheduled to be published via EDM.com this upcoming week – it will also be a deluxe edition. Spread the word. And thank you for the continued support!


20. Snorch – Mecha Tits

Short and sweet. That’s just the way I like it. Snorch isn’t sugarcoating anything, what you hear is what you get. So if you aren’t fully prepared for a subwoofer sucker punch that makes the Geno Smith incident look like freaking child’s play, you would be wise to think twice about clicking the naughty little play button on “Mecha Tits.” These three industrial-strength drops don’t last long, but boy do they leave a lasting impact. Snorch is something else, I tell you what.


19. Tempest – Clap Your Hands

From the first moment I heard Tempest, the potential was beyond evident. More than anything, Danny Kim just needed time to grow and mature into his larger-than-life sound. Fast forward a couple years later and this musician appears poised to elevate his bass-heavy productions to the next level – starting with “Clap Your Hands.” Equipped with drops more dangerous than your average death row inmate, this song’s playful build-ups merely serve as a smokescreen. Let it be known that Tempest is the truth.


18. Vólterix – Earthsphere

Since the dawn of the segment, I’ve always made it a priority to keep an eye out for our melodic bass music brethren. I hear this all the time, ‘but Barrett, it’s melodic dubstep! How can the drops be dirty?’ Oh, how very wrong you are my friends. Sure, it might not have that same raw texture as riddim, it may not blow up the dancefloor like a brostep banger, or even come close to reaching the depths of the deepest wobbles, but by golly, this sub genre deserves some goddamn respect. Enter Vólterix, a 17-year old kid from Moscow who just so happens to possess the ability to create absolutely mammoth tunes. Don’t believe me? Well, I’ll just let the spellbinding drops of “Earthsphere” quell your doubts.


17. Le Lion – It’s On 

Le Lion has been on the rise for a good minute now. The dubstep faithful eat up everything this dude puts out and it’s easy to see why. It’s gold. All of it. Pure dubstep gold. From his percussion that pummels you with the force of a thousand cyclones, to a sanctuary of diverse synths that constantly expands, this producer never struggles to satisfy my most intense bass cravings. Heck, even the flawless structure of “It’s On” speaks to Le Lion’s dedication to his craft. For the drops in this particular track, I want you to imagine P0gman meets Bukez Finezt, mixed with a tiny dash of Dubloadz. How can you go wrong with that lethal combination? Um, you can’t. So listen away weary readers.



Honestly, SQUNTO’s music scares the shit out of me. But aside from Code: Pandorum, there’s not another name out there that even begins to rival the quality of product that this bass dealer has been slanging out as of late. That’s quite the compliment. Especially when you consider that hard dubstep has some really prominent heavy-hitters getting on their grind at the moment. “SWITCH” features an introduction that sounds like it belongs in a Dirt Monkey or Jantsen tune, but then those jarring drops literally slap the saliva out of your mouth. Stay on the lookout for SQUNTO, I have a hunch this won’t be the last you hear of him.


15. Lord Swan3x & Soberts – Deathwish VIP

Many of you may recall that the original version of “Deathwish” was shared on an earlier edition of Dirtiest Dubstep Drops. However, Lord Swan3x & Soberts aren’t exactly the silent type, so of course these evil bass geniuses decided to take things one step further and give this killer composition the VIP treatment is so sorely deserved. You know how in cartoons when a character gets a piano dropped on them and then they poke their head out of the top of the piano, only to reveal that their teeth have been replaced by the piano keys. Yeah, these drops are kind of like that. Enjoy.


14. Dack Janiels & HE$H – Fool Ya 

It would be a challenge for you to pinpoint two producers that display more promise than Dack Janiels or HE$H. Mr. Janiels, a graduate of Icon Collective, has been riding on a tremendous high ever since the release of his 40oz Bounce EP. HE$H, on the other hand, is still shaking off a wicked bass hangover from his whopping Chrome EP. Effortlessly blending their styles together, the cantankerous drops in “Fool Ya” should be all the proof you need to confirm that this collab is in fact the real deal. Nobody knows if/when these two lads will link up again, but one thing’s for certain, it can’t come soon enough.


13. Borgore X Half Empty – Goddess (Ft. Pouya)

Are you sure we’re in 2015? Because with all the dubstep surfacing on the Buygore SoundCloud page lately, it’s beginning to feel a bit like 2011 all over again. Remember when Borgore used to produce dubstep? Wait, he still does? You’re shittin’ me. Nope, no joke? Really? Wow, maybe Bernie Sanders will actually get the democratic nomination. Well, let’s not say anything we can’t take back. Politics aside, “Goddess” is as much a part of reality as you or I. While Half Empty’s musical resume is not all that extensive, Borgore’s years of experience more than make up for that aspect. Fans of Skrillex will surely find themselves pleased with the ridiculously bouncy drops in this speaker-crippling collaboration.


12. Krimma x Rygby – Over Drunk

First of all, I’ve got to give a shout out to the homie Darek Desrosiers and The Dub Rebellion. His dubstep-centric YouTube channel celebrated its four year anniversary earlier this week! For those of you that keep close tabs on our dirty drop shenanigans, you know damn well that this weekly round-up wouldn’t be where it is without his absurdly valuable contributions. Speaking of which, let’s focus our attention on Krimma & Rygby’s “Over Drunk.” I’m not quite sure how one becomes ‘over drunk,’ but perhaps it’s that stage you experience between shitfaced and blacked-out – either way, the tipsy drops in this amusing song are as fun as they come. 10/10 would rinse and repeat.


11. Roshi – Too Blunt

Representing the RMT (Riddle Me This) crew, Roshi has worked very closely with the likes of Creation, Walter Wilde, and Subceptron. If any of those names tickle your dubstep fancy, then you’re in for quite a treat. Showcased on RMT Vol. 2, “Too Blunt” generates such a thick cloud of ganja smoke that you might never be able to navigate your way out of it. Rumor has it that if you inhale the fumes emanating off these smoldering drops, you’ll experience a high that Cheech & Chong could only dream about. Don’t take my word for it. Grab this fatty tune for free and spark it up asap.


10. Spag Heddy – Make U Jump

From day #1, I always had a ton of faith in Spag Heddy – like an insane amount. That being said, never in a million years did I ever envision there being a Firepower Records release in the cards. In my opinion, his brand of beats weren’t a proper fit for the Datsik distribution center. Well, I can admit when I’m wrong, and boy was I dead wrong. The Gypsi Thug EP has basically flipped the bass music scene upside down while simultaneously altering the future of dubstep itself. Spag Heddy is so hot right now. Just ask Skrillex – or any other legit artist utilizing dubstep in their lives sets for that matter. Murkin’ it with some monstrous drops yet again, “Make U Jump” will leave you twitching like there’s no tomorrow. The name is Heddy, Spag Heddy.


9. Dr. Ozi – Loose Cannon (Ft. DDark)

Thank the lord that Dr. Ozi recently unleashed this beast of a banger, because an episode of Dirtiest Dubstep Drops without this guy present is worse than The Office sans Michael Scott. “Loose Cannon” is Buygore’s second contribution to this week’s countdown – an extremely positive sign to bass music aficionados everywhere. Regardless of who is supporting his material, this rowdy rapscallion always manages to surpass my lofty expectations. Just when I’m thoroughly convinced that he can’t manufacture drops any filthier, he outdoes himself. Every single time. It’s like some sick, twisted joke that I’ll never understand it. Guess I’ll just go with the flow.


8. Swayed – Hotpockets (Woogie Remix)

All this talk about dubstep has made me hungry. Is that weird? Perhaps it’s just the “Hotpockets” title that has me suddenly fiending for something delicious. Fortunately, the succulent drops in this Woogie remix are plenty filling. So please excuse me as I devour the pounds upon pounds of appetizing bass that is about to pour out of my speakers. Can somebody fetch me some plates and eating utensils? Because I’m on the verge of hosting a full-on dubstep feast over here. You’re more than welcome to attend, but be sure to bring an empty belly with you. Any leftovers from our meal will be promptly donated to a foundation that feeds malnourished trap fans.


7. Spag Heddy – Fiddy Kay (Lord Swan3x Remix)

Sorry for not supplying you loyal Lord Swan3x minions with adequate notice, but this rambunctious troublemaker just refuses to relinquish the spotlight. Categorizing his vicious “Fiddy Kay” remix as dubstep may be a slight stretch on my part, but who cares? Are we here to split hairs? Or are we here to get down to some drops nastier than a nuclear waste dump site? Ok, good. That’s what I thought. Between its various sound effects, unparalleled gusts of bass, and infamous ‘what are those’ vocal sample, this complimentary tune is a real hoot. Crank up the volume as loud as it can possibly go… and then crank it some more.


6. Axel Boy – Move Right In 

Applying a somewhat more aggressive approach than in the past, Axel Boy clearly wants the world to recognize that he is one dubstep desperado not to be fucked with. Jumping into bed with Never Say Die Records’ Black Label division was obviously a win-win for both sides. That’s one bass offspring everybody would gladly pay to see. And guess what? Now you can. From the first note until the last, Axel Boy’s flashy, new Federalés EP doesn’t just bang, it BOOMS. Take “Move Right In” for example, these bone-crushing drops reverberate so loudly that your neighbors will be filing noise complaints for months to come – and they better get used to it, because you ain’t going nowhere.


5. Bundat & Executioner – Devil’s Eyes

By a show of hands, how many of you have stared directly into the devil’s eyes before? Zero? Exactly as I suspected. Well, now that Bundat & Executioner have come together to compose a top-flight dubstep terrorizer, you’re going to get up close and personal with Lucifer whether you like it or not. Does it suddenly feel hot in here? Or is it just me? Because if I’m sweating this hard after the first drop alone, the satanic second drop in “Devil’s Eyes” is sure to make me perspire more than a professional athlete. Give this Buygore brain-melter plenty of room to do its dirty work, otherwise you might not make it out alive.


4. Lord Swan3x & Soberts – Deathwish (EH!DE Remix) 

Nobody can blame EH!DE for wanting to get in on the riddim high jinks. The surging sub genre has placed a firm stranglehold on the dubstep demographic for the better part of the past couple years and it doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. Which has both it pros and cons. When riddim is crafted with care and precision (i.e. EH!DE’s “Deathwish” remix), a quality tune is typically the result – grimy drops included. However, when ‘bedroom’ producers stuff their songs full of the same monotonous wobbles, it becomes, how do you say? Redundant. Yep, that’s the term. Talk about a double-edged sword, but I guess we can’t learn to appreciate the good without the bad. Funny how that works.


3. Megalodon – Ping Pong 

If I was the all-powerful ruler of the EDM universe, Megalodon would be ranked in the same class of musicians as Bassnectar, Deadmau5, and Skrillex. His dubstep portfolio is that dope. Adding chapter after chapter to the history books, “Ping Pong” further secures this dude’s seat as one of bass music’s baddest motherfuckers. Discard those dinky ping pong paddles children, because the drops in this audio thrashing are so brutal that you’ll swear your skull is being used as a jai alai ball. Megalodon is the man, end of story.


2. 12th Planet x Megalodon x 50 Carrot – TRUE OG

In a popularity contest, these three mischief-makers would have easily run away with our coveted #1 position. Alas, this is a competition where notoriety carries no weight. Ok, maybe just a little weight, but I try to remain as unbiased as humanly possible. It’s hard. When you first get a glance of the names 12th Planet, Megalodon, & 50 Carrot listed under the same track title, losing your shit becomes an inevitability. Drops this savage don’t come along everyday, so when they do, you can’t afford to sleep on them. Technically, I need another two producers to field a dubstep dream team, but you couldn’t select a better ‘Big Three’ to build around than this ballin’ trio right here.


1.  Spag Heddy – Prologue

Settling in at numero uno is none other than Spag Heddy, of course. What can I say about “Prologue” that can’t be summed up infinitely better by massive chunks of tomato bass? Break out those bowls of pasta and snag some extra napkins, because things are about to get oh so sloppy. Right before the dynamic introduction makes its transition, there’s a brief second where your heart enters your throat. The anticipation is off the charts. And then, like a stampeding rhinoceros, that beastly first drop gores you with some brilliantly bloodthirsty sounds. Left lying nearly lifeless on the ground, you contemplate the consequences of challenging the equally suspenseful second drop. Too late. You’re way past the point of no return. Hold on tight and brace for impact. It’s about to go down… Spag Heddy style.


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