[END OF YEAR] Our Top Picks For Hip-Hop In 2016

[END OF YEAR] Our Top Picks For Hip-Hop In 2016

[END OF YEAR] Our Top Picks For Hip-Hop In 2016


It’s that time of year again where every music site gives their two cents on the top songs of the year, except most sites fail miserably to actually highlight songs that weren’t already on heavy rotation in the mainstream arena being shoved in our faces. Do we really need Drake or Rihanna on a top songs of the year list? Do  you really need to hear about the obvious songs right now? I sure hope not. If you want to know which songs were the most popular, just go to Billboard or Spotify.

That’s not what this list is and I’m not implying that there aren’t some great songs in the mainstream lists, I’m just saying that you know them already, they don’t need to be highlighted anymore. This list is also not 50 or 100 songs long! I kept it to a nice, solid 10 track playlist. I don’t think End-of-Year lists should just be regurgitated nonsense that’s already being mentioned by EVERYONE else. It should be unique to your taste, your voice, and more than anything, it should feature songs that define the year you’ve had, whether it was chaotic, smooth, or a mix of both. Enjoy my selection below and cheers to a new year folks!


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Brendon Goldwasser Originally from Ohio, currently residing in Los Angeles. Music fuels everything I do.