We’ve waited six long years for this.
We’ve learned, we hung out, we danced, we chilled, we smoked, fucked, and played. We cried, we laughed, we transformed our inner beings in sacred ceremonies of song and ancient wisdom.
For 6 years we became a family.
2017 marks the final episode in a 6-year long epic that details the story and journey of Lucidity Festival through time and space. It’s a beautiful tale of mysticism, transformation, challenge, and love.
Although this is not the final Lucidity, this will be the final show in their hexa-story, the penultimate resolution in each of our own hero’s journey through the festival.
In anticipation of this grand occasion, we wanted to celebrate with some of the best music to groove to this weekend – and give you one more shot, if you haven’t already – to persuade you to take a trip to the Santa Barbara forests for 3 days.
Here are our top 6 performances that we can’t wait to see this weekend!
Random Rab
Ayla Nereo
Pumpkin Tribute
Ft. LittleFoot, Lou E. Bagels, & Everyman
If you STILL haven’t gotten your tickets, here’s the link. Click it. Buy it. Enjoy it. I pinky swear you won’t have a bad time.