[FEST RECAP] What Makes Desert Hearts So Damn Good + MUST SEE PHOTOS!

[FEST RECAP] What Makes Desert Hearts So Damn Good + MUST SEE PHOTOS!

[FEST RECAP] What Makes Desert Hearts So Damn Good + MUST SEE PHOTOS!


Imagine a place completely isolated from the outside world – no cell phones, no laptops, no easily accessible electricity, no Trumped up politics, and most definitely no space heaters.

What it lacks in 1st world amenities, however, it more than makes up for with love, deep, groovy tunes, hugs, family, and the desire to leave better than you arrived.

This magical place we like to call Desert Hearts.

This was my first year attending this vortex of tech, house, and love, helmed by guys with names like Mikey Lion, Marbs, and Porkchop.

Despite the growing sense of chaos in the world, Desert Hearts is a place to let go, forget, and tune out for 3 days straight. A place where, once your front tires cross the dirt road threshold, you categorically enter another dimension.

As I crossed the other side 72 hours later and made my way back to the semi-reality of Los Angeles, I wondered what exactly had made my Desert Hearts experience so damn magical. Let’s discuss, through music and photo, below:


Is it the people?


House, Techno, and Love… We Are All Desert Hearts.

It’s in the their freakin’ tagline, and everyone coming into the festival is aware that LOVE is the drug of choice here.

We are all one, after all. And we are all Desert Hearts.


Is it the style?

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Desert Hearts might as well be the skunkworks for Coachella fashion week – a place to design, experiment, and play with your latest and greatest creations or simply play around and be someone, or something, else for the weekend.

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Is it the music?

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When you have some of the best underground DJs & producers playing B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B2B for 72 hours straight, you could say the music might be the biggest draw of the festival. It’s not just that it’s literally non-stop, but you won’t find a more highly curated and genre-specific lineup anywhere else.


Could it be all the art?

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The organizers for Desert Hearts aren’t beating around the bush when it comes to vibe curation, and injected into every corner of the festival are artists, acrobats, fire spinners, and people creating and showing off their creativity in beautiful and unique ways.

*Also, see above for fashion, because it’s as much a collective art piece as anything else at DH.


Maybe it’s the 72 hours of non-stop party.

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Does this really need explaining? You party and dance off the least amount of sleep the human body can handle – for 72 hours. What do you do when night falls and the mercury drops to around 35F? Bust out the furs and continue the party.


Or could it be the mix of all of the above.

Yeah, we definitely think it’s this last one. Separately, each element of Desert Hearts is amazing. But combine them together and the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts. For a dusty, crazy, hippie-soaked, neon-wearing, rowdy fantasyland in the middle of nowhere, this festival sure feels like home.

Tell us your favorite thing or moment about Desert Hearts in the comments below!

Check out our full Desert Hearts Photo Gallery below!

All photos by : Kris Kish


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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!