[MONTHLY] Love Lobotomy: Best Sounds of 11.2013

[MONTHLY] Love Lobotomy: Best Sounds of 11.2013

[MONTHLY] Love Lobotomy: Best Sounds of 11.2013



Sometimes these mind hills be dark, yo. Well, anyone who follows The Sights and Sounds, and in particular my posts, might know that are music selections certainly steer more towards the darker side of the pop universe. Happiness, after all, is just a concept you explore once the mind has gone to mush. But in my pop choices, I always like to have a few smiles with my  cyanide; and that’s because I adamantly believe that after all the digging through the darkness, there’s always a brighter beat at the bottom of a deep puddle than you;’d ever get skipping a beat with cutesy love in a shallow puddle.


But not always. Sometimes, man, you take yourself too far. And that’s what this playlist is about: holding onto that assertion that “yeah, I can dig through the terrible parts of my brain. I’ll make it out, no problem–I’ve done it a thousand times before.’ It’s about exploring the “I’m untouchable and unreachable because  of x tragedy” part of your disconnection from love, a comforting, healing path that allows you to see out of body the failures of romantic romps as their happening. Poking the bear, fanning the flame, sometimes shit goes haywire and you’re not coming out.

Until that is, you inject yourself with the sweet numbing of a love lobotomy. Not exactly a rousing recommendation for a trip into that heady emotion, but if it’s the only thing that calms; well, I hear a thorazine thump  in the hay has a really nice shuffle to it.


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Kavi Senior Editor. Currently based in Bangkok. I review dark indietronica/pop with my signature style of delving into the sexuality, sensuality and emotionality of every song. If you'd like me to premiere your track, contact me at the email below or at soundcloud.com/discordbeing