[DUBSTEP] Oolacile Answers Age-old Debate: Riddim vs Riddumb

[DUBSTEP] Oolacile Answers Age-old Debate: Riddim vs Riddumb

[DUBSTEP] Oolacile Answers Age-old Debate: Riddim vs Riddumb


Riddim or Riddumb? In our defense, it has become increasingly more difficult to tell the difference these days.

EDM’s hottest subgenre has been resting on the tip of every youngsters tongue and it’s fairly obviously why, this stuff truly has a life of it’s own. Some of it is spectacular, some of it is garbage, but one thing is certain, it’s engulfing absolutely everything around it! There are communities of diehard’s dedicated to riddim, there are popular non-dubstep producers utilizing riddim in their lives sets, heck, there are even theorists who probably think that riddim is the best solution to our healthcare debacle.

Regardless of where your riddim allegiances lie, Oolacile is definitely one desperado that bass music authorities need to monitor at all times. His incomprehensibly intricate sound design can only be described as out of this world! Just when you were thoroughly convinced that you finally had dubstep all figured out, this dude saunters into the room with something new and fucks up your entire perspective.

Riddim is life, and life is riddim.


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