[Dubstep] Ryan Exley – Cloud Connected EP

[Dubstep] Ryan Exley – Cloud Connected EP

[Dubstep] Ryan Exley – Cloud Connected EP


Ryan Exley

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but melodic dubstep is in a magnificent place at the moment. Catering to a dubstep scene that’s grown weary with the seemingly endless reign of riddim, this alluring subgenre seeks to restore the beauty that has been slowly drained out of bass music. Adding evidence to my not-so-outlandish claim is none other than Ryan Exley. Although I’ve always enjoyed this producer’s dazzling compositions, I wasn’t completely sold on his sound until thoroughly ingesting the Cloud Connected EP.

Hailing from Perth, Austrailia – a hotbed for EDM talent – this blossoming youngster appears poised to make his presence felt worldwide. With a little assistance from Philosophy Recordings, Mr. Exley puts his full range of skills on display during this four-track expedition through duburbia. Every single tune on this release has that ‘frolicking through sun-soaked fields without a care in the world’ kind of vibe to it. Don’t pretend that you don’t know precisely what I mean. The title track is absolutely mesmerizing, “Eternity” drips with raw emotion, and Ashley Apollodor’s vocals effortlessly navigate us through “Spitting Fire.” To conclude the EP, “You Got Me” flaunts a heavier electro feel than any of the previous songs.

You can purchase a copy of the Cloud Connected EP right here, and if you REALLY want to help make a difference, head on over to Ryan Exley’s SoundCloud page and show him some support right now.



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