Bearson Dropped 2 New Fresh Beats Between Christmas & New Years

Bearson Dropped 2 New Fresh Beats Between Christmas & New Years

Bearson Dropped 2 New Fresh Beats Between Christmas & New Years


What are you listening to in the New Year?

It’s a real treat when artists work through the end of the year to release music to the public.

Lucky for us, Norwegian producer Bearson gifted his listeners with a post-Christmas treat by releasing two new demos after the holiday.

Both of the demos are instrumental tracks that are easy to listen to. The track “daydream” leans more towards a feel good electronic pop song with high pitch synths, while “snusmumrik” is more mellow and chill with gentle percussions and smooth melody.

The holidays may be over, but the post-holiday transition is rough, so tap that play button below while you’re getting settled back into your responsibilities.

Stream “daydream” & “snusmumrik” from Bearson below:

Follow Bearson | Soundcloud | Facebook

Written by: Jackie Hwang


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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!