In the movie I, Robot, Will Smith’s character plays a detective who bears a strong distrust of robots and contemporary technology in a dystopian future. In the end, (Spoiler Alert) his fears become realized as the AI’s indisputable logic threatens all of humanity. We’re a long time from seeing human-like robots in every home, but in a leak that surprised us all, Daft Punk and Jay Z‘s previously unreleased collab “Computerized” warns us all not to rely too heavily on our technology.
“What ever happened to phone sex/ Right now I can’t think of anything we don’t text”
My first thought when I saw these two names in a song title was that it must be fake. However, Pitchfork confirms it’s authenticity. There’s no info about when the track was actually made, but Daft Punk uses a sample found in “Computerized” that is also in the soundtrack for Tron: Legacy – which leads me to believe it’s been a couple years since this track was laid down. But with the French robots behind the driving, melodic synths and vocoders and J Hova on lead vocals, “Computerized” is one track you need to listen to now. Check it out below.