[ELECTRONIC/INDIE POP] Wolfcolony- “Holy”

[ELECTRONIC/INDIE POP] Wolfcolony- “Holy”

[ELECTRONIC/INDIE POP] Wolfcolony- “Holy”



Chances are you haven’t heard of Wolfcolony yet, but that needs to change immediately. Allow your mind to be taken into the dark-pop sounds of duo Wolf and Neal Sarin from New York & Los Angeles. Meeting at the University of Miami and joining forces just recreationally at first, the duo quickly realized the magnitude of their sound and decided to take it to the masses. Beyond the addicting electronic-infused pop melodies, the music is lyrically induced to seduce you.

Wolfcolony has been on my radar for a bit now and I wanted to fully bathe in the noise before I could explain it with my dictionary and thesaurus nearby. Sometimes it’s hard to sit here and describe sounds, and this is a case where the words aren’t quite transforming they way I would like them too, other than knowing my ears and heart want more. The recently released track “Holy” was sent to me by a dear friend whose excitement about the song was transparent and oozing with genuine passion. How can you not want to indulge after a good recommendation like that?

I’ve had “Holy” on a repeat for the past half hour and the lyrics, “No, I cant stop thinking about all of these feelings all filled with doubts” have been ringing to me. When it comes to love and relationships it’s so natural to think “are things to good to be true sometimes?” And this song addresses those organic sentiments. “Holy” allows you to fully indulge into those emotions and tunes into the protective side of our mind and hearts. I love it. Wolf’s voice is unique to the scene and it reminds me of the voice in my head – something I’ve never actually been able to put a voice to until now. Check out the track yourself and download a free copy of the EP here.




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Lauren Walker Likes it hot, off the turntable that is.