Aria Hennessy’s “Missive 1” Is A Feminine Anthem For The Modern Age

Aria Hennessy’s “Missive 1” Is A Feminine Anthem For The Modern Age

Aria Hennessy’s “Missive 1” Is A Feminine Anthem For The Modern Age


The global feminine is on the rise and it’s time for men to take notice.

Yet, with all the forward momentum there is still a lot of work to do.

Aria Hennessy feminine anthem

“I’m really tired of bitches.
I’m really tired of bitches being the synonym for women.”

I realize Rosie The Riveter might be a cliche when talking about women empowerment and the global rise of the feminine, but fuck, she was a badass. The entire country ran on women during WWII. While men were off fighting far away wars, the women were the industrial machines that kept it all together. We needed women then and we need them still today – more than ever, perhaps.

I see it all around, the feminine breaking down the toxic masculine barriers that have been erected in every industry across the world. And now, from Hollywood to D.C., the walls are crashing down and men (a majority white, rich and old) are running scared for fear that closet skeletons are finding cracks in the carpentry.

Men, it’s time to step up, step to the side, and allow our sisters to be at our sides – equal and powerful and part of the journey.

Aria Hennessy captures the frustration, and massive potentiality, of the women empowerment movement in a chilled out, future bass format that flows like the Divine feminine.

Women, we see you and we’re ready for the change, too.

Stream Aria Hennessy – “Missive 1” below:

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Aria Hennessy feminine anthem


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Kris Hi there! Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Sights and Sounds. Been doing this music writing thing for most my life in one way or another and loving every opportunity it's brought along. Shoot me an email if you have any suggestions for the website, comments, or if you just want to chat. Cheers!