Here’s How Foggieraw Mumbled His Way Into My Heart

Here’s How Foggieraw Mumbled His Way Into My Heart

Here’s How Foggieraw Mumbled His Way Into My Heart


Maryland-based rapper Foggieraw is taking mumble rap to a whole new level.

It’s hard to get what he’s talking about in most of his tracks but don’t worry, it still sounds dope.

Foggieraw is riding the mumble rap wave in his own unique style. Where everyone else surfs he boogie-boards.

So much of mumble rap is dominated by artists who sound way too low on serotonin but not Foggie. His music is just straight up fun.

Case in point.


I discovered Foggie while surfing social media following a fairly stressful Thanksgiving with the fam.

His unique sound immediately perked me up. His production has a brightness to it that is definitely not consistent with most mumble rap that you hear today.

This, coupled with his lilting and effortless flow, makes his carefree attitude absolutely infectious.

Click To Tweet lilting and effortless flow makes his carefree attitude absolutely infectious.’ ” quote=”…his lilting and effortless flow makes his carefree attitude absolutely infectious.'”]

Possibly my favorite Foggie track so far (he only has 10 on Spotify) is “Look Like Porzingis“.

It’s a great example of how nicely his vocals and production pair up. All his music sounds like it’s coming easy to him but this song caught my ear for one reason in particular. The title.

Sure they both glowed up when they cut their hair but let’s be clear about something. Foggieraw does not look like the 7′ 3” Latvian monster Kristaps Porzingis.

But that’s not the point.

You might have a tough time understanding what Foggie means when he says “Cut off my braids and I look like Porzingis” but he doesn’t care.

His music still gets his message across despite it being tough to understand what he means like 90% of the time. He’s having fun and he wants us to have a good time, too.

Stream and purchase The Foggie Pound – the latest EP from Foggieraw – below:

Purchase Now!



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